Connect with Meredith

Meredith Buchanan

Head of People and Culture

What I do at Covers

Even though Covers has been around for over 25 years, we're in for a big next season! 

We've doubled in size over the next 2 years and we want to continue to be the best place that any of us have worked! That means finding the very best talent and making sure we continue to live our values and keep connected as we grow - as individuals and as a business. We've adopted a hybrid working model so we're making sure that whether local or remote - everyone feels included. 

The People Experience (PeX) team works closely with all departments (we call them Chapters) and every team member to create an environment where people are inspired to bring their best to work every day. We're a small and growing team with a drive to build out world class systems and practices so we're all about trying new things, digging into the latest trends, and rolling up our sleeves to help each other out every. single. day. Plus we laugh... A LOT!

Why Covers

Covers is an amazing team of really talented people who love what they do and take care of each other. If you have ideas you've always wanted to try, love to learn, and thrive in a tightknit team environment - this is the place for you! 

Who am I?

I'm a born and raised Maritimer and appreciate everything Halifax has to offer. I love to travel, am hooked on my ridiculously large morning coffee, and am passionate about mindfulness and helping people reach their potential. I spend as much time as possible outside and can usually be found hanging out with my husband and two boys or being walked by my dog, Stella. 
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